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White-winged Duck Asarcornis Scutulata Video page

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White-winged Duck

Appearance: - The White-winged Duck has a white head and neck which is spotted with black, orange-yellow eyes, a dull orange beak with black mottling, a dark-brownish body with green-black gloss on upperparts, brown-black primary flight feathers with white lesser and median coverts and inner edges of tertials and bluish-grey secondary flight feathers. In flight the white in the wings is very noticable and contrasts with the brown body and primary flight feathers. The female is similar but has a more mottled head and neck. The legs and feet are orange-yellow.

Notes: - The White-winged Duck or White-winged Wood Duck is a very large Asian duck. It was considered to be a dabbling duck but is now thought to be more closely related to diving ducks. This duck is classified as endangered because of its small population, hunting and habitat destruction due to the draining of swamps and destruction of hollow trees which it uses for nesting.

WWT Slimbridge Video clips:

Current video:

White-winged Duck - May 2015

More videos:
White-winged Duck - June 2015
White-winged Duck - June 2015

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White-winged Duck (Asarcornis Scutulata) video

White-winged Duck
White-winged Duck (Asarcornis Scutulata)
